Section: Application Domains

Distributed systems and High-Performance Computing

Distributed systems have grown to levels of scale and complexity where it is difficult to master their administration and resources management, in dynamic ans open environments. One of the growing concerns is that the energy consumption has reached levels where it can not be considered negligible anymore, ecologically or economically. Data centers or high performance computing grids need to be controlled in order to combine minimized power needs with sustained performance and quality of service. As mentioned above, this motivates the automation of their management, and is the major topic of, amongst others, our ANR project Ctrl-Green.

Another challenge in distributed systems is in the fast growing amounts of data to process and store. Currently one of the most common ways of dealing with these challenges is the parallel programming paradigm MapReduce which is slowly becoming the de facto tool for Big Data analytics. While its use is already widespread in the industry, ensuring performance constraints while also minimizing costs provides considerable challenges. Current approaches to ensure performance in cloud systems can be separated into three categories: static, reactive, predictive and hybrid approaches. In the industry, static deployments are the standard and usually tuned based on the application peak demand and are generally over-provisioned. Reactive approaches are usually based on reacting to an input metric such as the current CPU utilisation, request rate, response time by adding and removing servers as necessary. Some public cloud providers offer reactive techniques such as the Amazon Auto Scaler. They provide the basic mechanisms for reactive controllers, but it is up to the user to define the static scaling thresholds which is difficult and not optimal. To deal with this issue, we propose a control theoretical approach, based on techniques that have already proved their usefulness for the control community.

In the domain of parallel systems and High Performance Computing, systems are traditionally less open and more controlled by administrators, but this trend is changing, as they are facing the same challenges in energy consumption, needs for adaptivity in reaction to changing workloads, and security issues in computation outsourcing. Topics of interest for us in this domain concern problem in dynamical management of memory and communications features, which we are exploring in the HPES project of the Labex Persybal-lab (see 9.1).